Battle Cats Ultimate Wiki:Enemy Structure Page

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This page is a guide to creating pages for custom enemies. Anything listed in excalmation points(!like this!) are required to make the stage, otherwise they are optional to add (do not add the asterisks themselves to the page). Do not put the name of the trait/traits in the title of the page. Put the pack name in the title if there is another enemy with the same name. [Text in square brackets need to be filled in and replaced with whatever information.]

![Enemy Name] is a [Trait] enemy in [Link to Pack] created by [Creator of Pack OR Enemy].!

![Enemy Name]
[Enemy Image (256x256 scale)
Pack: [Pack Name]
Creator: [Creator of Enemy]
Debut Stage: [Debut Stage]
Latest Stage: [Latest Appearance]!


!Description of enemy's overall appearance // simple information about gimmicks or how the enemy acts in gameplay.!


(Not Required) Put information to what cat units are needed. Put one section for using custom units and one for using vanilla units (Unless the pack is balanced around custom units). Describe how to use the units. If they appear in one stage, link to the map page the stage appears in.


(If the enemy has multiple dummies, combine the HP of the main enemy. If the enemy has random attacks, separate the two attacks (2,500 or 5,000). If the enemy has multiple attacks, list as Attack:(250x10). If the enemy has multiple phases, put separate statsheets for each.)


[Name (Traitless]
Health Damage Range Hitbacks Speed Attack Type Drop
[HP] [Attack] [Range] [Hitbacks] [Speed] [Attack Type (Single // Area) [Money Drop]
Attack Count Willpower TBA Foreswing Backswing Attack Frequency Dire
[Attack Count] [Willpower] [Time Between Attack] [pre atk anim] [post atk anim] [Attack Frequency] [Dire]
Special Abilities
[Procs, dodge, things like that, multihit]


