Creator Structure Page

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Creator is a Creator known for creating [Pack 1], [Pack 2], [Pack 3] (add as many as you seem fit, max 3).

insert a 256x256 image of your profile picture.
Date Joined Date of first pack or server join
List of Packs Put line breaks
in between each pack
only list packs with
their own pages
and link the pages
Socials: Same as packs, example:


Pack 1

Write about your first pack. Only list packs that have, or will have their own wiki article. Do not list packs that are not out or do not fit the requirements to have its own page. Feel free to mention anything about your pack. Enemies, Updates, Dates, Cat Units, Gameplay, Stages, etc. Keep it short and sweet.

Pack 2

Same goes for here. You can add as many packs as you want, as long as it fits requirements above.

Pack 3

More information.

Pack 4

If your pack is a parent of another one of yours you can write them in like this.

Unfinished/Cancelled Packs

Pack 1

Same goes for this section. If they would not have had their own page, do not write here. You can write those in trivia.

Pack 2

Cancelled/Unfinished updates are not the same as cancelled/unfinished packs. If they do have their own page you can put that in the section above.


  • Add trivia about you and BCU history.
    • Make sure to avoid putting personal information
    • Be safe on the internet :)
  • You can write about things like:
    • Youtube Milestones
    • Date Joined
    • Packs that don't fit page requirements