General Gacaxy

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General Gacaxy is a Starred Alien enemy in Extra Legends created by CartoonGod Elite.

General Gacaxy
General Gacaxy.png
Pack: Extra Legends
Creator: CartoonGod Elite
Debut Stage: (TBA)
Latest Stage: (TBA)


A Capy with long, alien "ears" that have little trims on one end. It wears an official cape, similar to General Gregory's cape, denoting it's high standing in the Starred Alien army, and adorned with a star and a single collar bar at the front.




General Gacaxy (Starred Alien)
Health Damage Range Hitbacks Speed Attack Type Drop
465,000 35,000
(10,194 DPS)
335 3 10 Area 1382.5
Attack Count Willpower TBA Foreswing Backswing Attack Frequency Dire
Infinite 1 90f 14f 17f 103f 1
Special Abilities
25% chance to warp cats back by 25~250 for 150f
Barrier (120,000 HP)




  • The galaxy mentioned in his description is a real galaxy.