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Le'Zinc is a Metal enemy in Extra Legends created by CartoonGod Elite.

Le Zinc.png
Pack: Extra Legends
Creator: CartoonGod Elite
Debut Stage: Steel Bank Heist
Latest Stage: Untidy Breakroom


A Metal Le'Boin armed with a titanium trunk, and has several parts of his body covered in metallic plates.


Just try and go berserk on it, since it's a slow nuker who can't even 1HKO an Eraser Cat at endgame. When it's open to attack, try your best to freeze it with Hoopmaster or Waterblast while unleashing all your best critters on it. Get ready for a long fight, however, as it does have quite high health for it's trait, especially at endgame magnifications.


Le'Zinc (Metal)
Health Damage Range Hitbacks Speed Attack Type Drop
4500 5500
(988 DPS)
(-400~400 Omni)
1 5 Area 5834.15
Attack Count Willpower TBA Foreswing Backswing Attack Frequency Dire
Infinite 1 160f 8f 8f 167f 1
Special Abilities
100% to knockback cats


  • Steel Bank Heist (300%)
  • Untidy Breakroom (300%)