Tageem's Master Pack

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page is current WIP

This page is a guide to creating pages for custom packs. [insert info about pack requirements]

Tageem's Master Pack (i5xbczs4) is a Custom Pack created by Azurewrath. This pack has Advents, Legend stages and Towers.

Tageem's Master Pack
Pack ID: i5xbczs4.pack.bcuzip
Creator: Azurewrath
Release Date: October 7th 2023
Latest Update: N/A
Current Version: V0.5
Download: no external link permissions
Status: V1.0 In progress

Pack Overview

[Longer Pack Summary, including what custom traits do, what the pack is about, some suggested levels for units, etc]
For example, if a pack contains a custom trait, you would list what the gimmicks of that trait is about. If your pack doesn't have custom traits, talk about what kind of things your pack focuses on. If your pack is balanced around certain levels, write about those parts. Write what kind of maps your pack has: Subchapters, Advents, Towers? Is your pack balanced around custom units? Just make sure to follow the rules when writing!



List what fixes, new subchapters, enemies or cat units your pack adds to each update.

Update 1

Do not write trivia about updates, that's for the trivia section. Optionally, if you made art for an update you can add that as well.

Update 2

Also write anything updates remove. List any useful information about the pack, as some packs are very different compared to others in terms of structure.

Update 2.1

You can also add minor updates as needed.

Update 3

Feel free to rename updates to as you wish. (For example, you can rename "Update 1" to 1.0, v1, Version 1, or the name of the update if any)


Image Name Description

image of enemy 128x128

Enemy Name Similar to the enemy overview on the enemy's own page.

image of enemy 128x128

Enemy Name center the image, set alt text as enemy name.

image of enemy 128x128

Enemy Name Add as much rows as needed.

Cat Units

Image Name Description

image of cat 128x128

Cat Name Similar to the cat unit overview on the cat's own page.

image of cat 128x128

Cat Name center the image, set alt text as enemy name.

image of cat 128x128

Cat Name Add as much rows as needed. Do not add evolved/true forms.

Stage Maps

Name List of Stages

Map Name

Stage one, Stage two, Stage three, Stage four, Stage five, Stage six

Map Name

As usual, add as much rows as you need.

Misc Features

Only add these sections if necessary. If there are no names, just list them as how they appear in BCU (custom soul 1, pack1234/0, etc)


Soul Name
Add any extra information here. Transparent soul images are preferred.


Background Name
Same goes for this section, just any extra info (such as what the background is used for)


soul_0 Name of Castle
Once again, just add information (appearance, what it looks like, etc)
Animated Enemy Bases (that don't attack) may also be added here.


  • As per usual list trivia with bullet points
  • Similar to
  • how this text is
    • also add sub-bullets if needed
    • as much as needed
  • hi
  • :)